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The Flantech Opportunity

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Flantech Asia-Pacific Opportunity The Wealth Creation Trend

Introduction | Wellness | Wealth Creation | Target Markets | Income Types

The Wealth Creation Trend
In recent years, as the realisation has set in that the Baby Boomers are heading for the proverbial "fate worse than death" (living too long with too little money), we've seen a series of booms in residential property investment and shares and options trading.

These mini-booms have been fueled by the activities of so-called "wealth coaches" selling high-priced seminars and workshops to teach ordinary people — especially wage and salary earners — "the secrets of the wealthy".

As usual, by the time the general populace becomes aware of these "secrets", the real money has already been earned by the professionals — including the "wealth coaches" — who have since moved on to the next opportunity. (How do you think those "wealth coaches" always seem to know all about the NEXT hottest wealth creation opportunity?)

This is made worse by the cyclical "Boom and Bust" nature of property and shares. What people fail to understand is that the REAL money in these fields is usually made on the movement up or down — so the real winners don't care which way the market goes, as long as it's moving.

So, as we approach the peak of the current investment property boom, where an overheated market, driven by crude demand from graduates of "Wealth Creation Seminars", has pushed prices to record levels and is now beginning to see a glut in rental properties, climbing vacancies and falling rental prices, a lot of people are going to discover that these high-risk wealth creation activities require sound knowledge, skill, experience and judgement to really succeed.

Many will find themselves exposed to huge debts that they're unable to service, and will be forced to sell their investment properties at substantial losses.

It's the same for inexperienced share and options traders.

For these people, Flantech offers a low-risk, low-cost opportunity to create GENUINE long-term, residual income relatively quickly. For many, it will be the means of saving themselves from financial disaster. For others, it will provide them with ongoing income to support themselves, now and in retirement.

Our Target Markets

Introduction | Wellness | Wealth Creation | Target Markets | Income Types


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