The Flantech Compensation
Plan offers truly seamless international sponsoring. A distributor may personally
sponsor people into their first level from any country in which Flantech has an official
presence, provided that the sponsor* meets two essential conditions:
- The sponsoring distributor*
must be qualified at the Director rank (or higher) in their home country.
- The sponsoring distributor*
must be registered as an international sponsor for each country in which they wish
to sponsor.
Register as an International Sponsor
at www.flantechinternational.com.
Flantech is one of the highest-paying network marketing companies in the world for
a very simple, logical reason: when all of our distributors can earn more money,
in less time, with fewer people, we all enjoy greater benefits and genuine long-term
security – even the company.
But our exceptionally high-payout means we have to operate on the basis of “user
pays”. This is business, after all. Other network marketing companies often provide
“free” extras – but those lavish extras are funded by money that our distributors
prefer to spend for themselves, not have it spent for them by company executives.
So we have a win-win arrangement with our distributor network: we pass on the money
they earn each month to them, and they fund the cost of their own use of resources
provided by the company. It’s fair and equitable, and it means people who don’t use
them don’t pay for them.
Seamless international record keeping and data processing requires advanced information
technology, and Flantech has its own powerful Internet hub system linking all countries
in which it operates. But it costs money to install and operate, so distributors
who make use of international sponsoring are required to help cover those costs.
A small annual fee is payable for
each country in which you have a downline organisation. (Refer to our current Distributor
Price List for details, or go to www.flantechinternational.com).
Compared to what you can earn in each country each month, this is a very small investment,
and it means we can continue to pay out at the present high level of up to 83% of
CV. (The average payout for network marketing companies is between 30% and 60%, with
most in the lower half of that range.)
*Sponsor or sponsoring distributor:
Some people in network marketing use this term incorrectly, which can cause confusion
and error.
In Flantech, the words “sponsor” and “sponsoring distributor” mean the same thing:
they refer to the person who introduces, or sponsors, someone into their personal
first level, thereby creating a new leg in their Flantech organisation.
These words do not refer to the person being sponsored.
Under the Flantech Compensation Plan, you may not sponsor people anywhere
except in your first level. There are NO “downline placements” like in many other
plans. The reasons are very simple:
- Success in network marketing
is largely determined by the quality and durability of your personal relationships
with your people.
- All of us prefer to be valued
as individuals, for our own sakes, not just for our usefulness to others.
- Too many people (and companies)
in network marketing value money and use people to help them get it. Intelligent
network marketers (and companies) value people and use money to help their people
succeed – which boosts their own success in the process. Much smarter, and puts priorities
where they should be for genuine, long-term success.
- Downline placements send
the wrong messages to all the people involved:
– to the new distributor being placed downline, the message is that the person recruiting
them is only interested in them for what use they can be in boosting their personal
income. They’re just a faceless means to a selfish end.
– to the downline “sponsor,” the message is that they don’t have to do anything to
build their business… their upline leader will do it all for them, including sponsoring
and training new people.
Remember the Law of Success:
“Do only the right things, for only the right reasons” – then you can’t make mistakes.