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The Flantech Opportunity

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Flantech Asia-Pacific Opportunity The Wellness Trend

Introduction | Wellness | Wealth Creation | Target Markets | Income Types


For more than a decade, awareness has been growing that our modern lifestyle has become a serious threat to our health. Stress, inadequate diet and exercise, fast foods, prepared foods, over-processing and scores of other factors have made us malnourished and obese.

Our polluted air, water supplies and depleted soils have made it necessary for us to take precautions that make a mockery of our supposedly enlightened, scientifically-advanced civilisation. Bottled water is now many time more expensive than petrol, and despite having conquered most of the infectious diseases that killed millions in the first half the last century, we're dying in unprecedented numbers from lifestyle-related diseases like heart failure, cancer, strokes, diabetes, AIDS and hepatitis.

We're so disenchanted with conventional medicine that we now spend nearly THREE TIMES as much on alternative or complementary health care as we spend on conventional doctors and pharmaceuticals.

This positions Flantech's unique products right at the forefront of a trend that is gathering continuous momentum, and will continue to do so for at least three decades.

This kind of strategic positioning, supported by patented technology and 100% consumable, safe, effective, high demand products, gives Flantech — and you — the perfect basis for a profitable home-based business well into the future.

The Wealth Creation Trend

Introduction | Wellness | Wealth Creation | Target Markets | Income Types


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